Ep. 111 - The Pineapple

Ananas comosus

After some Stephen-centric plant updates, the Plant Daddies cover a surprisingly rewarding houseplant that you may be able to propagate after you make that fruit salad.

The pineapple, Ananas comosus, is in bloom for Matthew, who details his care experiences - good and bad - and the long road ahead to that sweet snack. But is that the point, or is it about the journey? Is this the best tropical fruit to grow at home? Does Stephen know what one looks like?

Mentioned in this episode:

  • propagating grocery store produce into full-grown plants

And a special thank you to the photographers who took the additional photos we included in the show notes!

Cover image: @botanicalsmh

Photo 3: @brunnforce

Photos 4 and 5: @wonder_juice


Ep. 112 - Spider Plant


Ep. 110 - Researching New Plants