Ep. 19 - Begonia maculata 'Wightii'

Plant Profile

Probably everyone has seen pictures of the internet’s current favorite Begonia on social media, Begonia maculata ‘Wightii’.

AKA Polka Dot Begonia, this is a beautiful cultivar loved for its graphic, colorful foliage and white flowers. The Plant Daddies have a checkered [terrible] record with Begonias, so wanted to figure out if this popular but hard-to-find specimen would be their silver bullet to Begonias fit for paradise. More importantly, is this a flowering tropical foliage plant that Stephen can get behind???

And a special thank you to the photographers who took these photos!

cover image: @respinn_plants

Photos 1, 3: @enchanted_ladybird

Photo 2: @ihugplants


Ep. 20 - with Jane Perrone


Ep. 18 - Pilea peperomioides