Ep. 43 - Quarantine Plant Projects

The Plant Daddies get together (at a safe distance!) to serve up a few quarantine-friendly plant project ideas.

Hoya propagation box? Give those tropicals a spray down in the shower, or tidy up those plants, pots, and mounts that have gone unnoticed all winter? Pruning aroids for bushy growth or rapid maturity? We're here for you/it! We even manage to surprise each other with some of our suggestions.

Mentioned in this episode:

  • adapting to a world that has basically shut down, and trying to make the most of our time socially distancing in the privacy of our own homes

  • propagation projects - methods, which plants we’re propagating

  • check in with your plants to see who needs pest intervention, repotting, fertilizing, pruning, or general maintenance, but don’t become overenthusiastic in your care - many plants love benign neglect, and they probably don’t need water multiple times a week

  • planning ahead for the growth we’ll see while stuck inside

  • maybe get invested in houseplants if you haven’t yet? It’s a great hobby!


Ep. 44 - Succulent & Cactus Soil


Ep. 42 - Plumeria obtusa