Ep. 67 - Jewel Orchids
Do you sit and laugh as friends struggle through Latin pronunciations?
So does Stephen! But don't worry - we agree on a flower (for once) and all is forgotten. Jewel Orchids, including Ludisia and Macodes, are the foliage plants of the Orchid family, and we ramble on until we've covered Corybas, Lepanthes, and even Phalaenopsis with noteworthy leaves. We’re just glad Matthew didn’t title this episode “Notable Ornamental Species and Hybrids of Goodyerinae for Indoor Recreational Cultivation.”
The photos here are of Ludisia discolor and Macodes petola, which are the two species we primarily focus on in this episode. This is because Ludisia can be grown like an African Violet, and the slightly trickier Macodes represents the care requirements of the majority of other Jewel Orchids. These mostly include Anoectochilus and Dossinia, but there are many species of Orchids in other genera grown for their foliage, including some that are traditionally prized more for their flowers.
Mentioned in this episode:
what is it about the word “Orchid” that makes a plant seem more challenging and intimidating?
a moniker for an informal selection of plants that’s not necessarily a taxonomic group - what exactly is a “Jewel Orchid” and do any orchids with handsome foliage count?
Jewel Orchids for beginners, and ideas for growers with experience, or looking for a (minimal) challenge

Some of the other traditional and unconventional “Jewel” Orchids and we mentioned include:
PNW native, Goodyera oblongifolia (Rattlesnake Plantain)
Sarcoglottis sceptrodes(Green Dragon Orchid)
Corybas (Helmet Orchid)
Mottled leaf Paphiopedilum (Lady Slipper Orchid)
Psychopsis Mendenhall 'Hildos' (Butterfly Orchid)
Phalaenopsis stuartiana, philippinensis, celebensis, and schilleriana

Matthew grows his Macodes petola in a bonsai dish sitting inside a partially closed terrarium under grow lights, and has been really thrilled with how well the starter plants established and took off!