Ep. 86 - Spring Plant Plans

Chill 'n Chat

This month's Chill 'n Chat starts with plant updates and springtime plant care advice and ends with…

well, all sorts of things. What will happen to our plants collections when quarantine ends and we return to work? Will Stephen have to adjust his soil recipes when he moves to a new apartment? Is massaging flytraps a fun couple's activity? And how delicious is Sansevieria nectar?

Mentioned in this episode:

  • which plants took a winter dormancy, and which kept doing things over the cooler, darker months

  • preparing our plants for the active growing season, and the associated repotting, pruning, propagating, and other seasonal activities that come with it

  • the aftermath of moving several months later for one of us… and an upcoming move for the other


Ep. 87 - Hoyas 101


Ep. 85 - Venus Fly Trap