Meet Your Podcasters!

We have been busy recording and editing our first episodes, and are excited to announce that we have submitted our pilot to iTunes for review. Before it's available for listening, we wanted to introduce ourselves. Stay tuned for the launch of Plant Daddy Podcast!

Stephen’s first plant was a red tulip he planted in a corner of his mom’s garden. Unfortunately the earwig bite he received while planting that bulb would derail his burgeoning interest for nearly two decades. But years later a small sarracenia plant in a green, pig-shaped pot found its way  onto his balcony and started to change his mind about plants again. He has been collecting carnivorous plants, succulents that look almost-dead in their ideal state, and anything he feels would be challenging to find or cultivate ever since. We are glad to report that he has not encountered an earwig in several years. 

Matthew’s first plant was a cactus, which according to his memory, was a gift from his grandmother when he was potty trained. Even though his mom took care of the cactus for the next few years until Matthew was well past his toddler years, it wasn’t long before he was starting cuttings from his aunt and growing wax begonias on the kitchen windowsill at the other grandmother’s house, where his grandfather also gave him a section of flowerbed to do with as he pleased. Today, Matthew’s partner calls their apartment aesthetic “losing Jumaji,” though Matthew just insists that they have the cleanest air quality in Seattle, if not also the highest biodiversity in a private collection. Matthew’s interest in plants spans from fussy tropical ornamentals to hardy-as-nails foliage plants both indoors and on his balcony, and he feels the most rewarded when his plants thrive and show their best selves, whether that’s regularly reblooming orchids, getting more than a scant handful of figs from the balcony, creating botanical drama and ambiance indoors in unexpected ways, or sharing cuttings of rare, unusual, or fun things with friends. Matthew brings his experience and passion to this Podcast, hoping that he can inspire others to bring joy into their lives with plants, and create visibility of the diversity of phytophiles.


Ep. 1 - I'm Matthew, and I'm Stephen