Ep. 116 - Crotons as Houseplants
with Grower Mark Peters
Many of us have owned a Croton plant, Codiaeum variegatum, but how many of us can reliably get them to thrive indoors?
The Plant Daddies have had mixed results themselves, so Mark Peters of Peters Crotons and Cordylines joins the show to help. Should these plants be allowed to dry thoroughly? Of the surprisingly diverse Croton cultivars, which is the best for indoor growing? We get these answers, fascinating history, and some surprising tips for plant parents from this expert grower!
Mentioned in this episode:
how to get the best results with this sun, heat, and humidity-loving tropical in indoor growing spaces
the natural origins of the Croton, how this long-loved plant entered into cultivation, the breeding efforts that produced the myriad forms, colors, and styles we know today, and the history of the most popular and common variety
photos of a wild Codiaeum variegatum, so take a look if you’re curious to see what this species looked like before extensive cultivation produced so many ornamental varieties.
growing, propagating, and preserving heirloom cultivars… and some unusual and interesting varieties not typically seen at plant shops that are worth checking out
Mark Peter’s nursery website. It’s a great resource to help get you started, and he added that he is always happy to provide tips and support to Croton growers!
Stephen took this photo of a Croton blooming in Hawaii, but since we’ve not been successful in growing our own plants (yet!), we also wanted to share some beautiful photos from other growers of some of the Croton varieties discussed this week.

And a special thank you to the photographers who took these photos!