Ep. 117 - North Windows

Chill 'n Chat

Houseplants in a dim north-facing window

What should go in that less-sunny window?

The Plant Daddies tackle a timely listener question in this month’s Chill 'n Chat, and after so long without plant updates, let each other know how their respective urban jungles/bogs/deserts are faring. Is success in a north-facing window about plant selection, or managing expectations? What does Stephen do when he thinks he has overwatered? And was Matthew aware that we did an episode about having too many plants? No new episode next week, but we’ll be back in December!

Mentioned in this episode:

  • the aftermath of one move, preparing for another, and plant updates

  • the realities of a window that doesn’t get direct sunlight

  • our favorite plant recommendations for low light

  • is the plant thriving in this light level, tolerating it with dignity, or actively declining?

  • life hacks: rotating plants to different spots as the seasonal light changes, watering strategies for plants that aren’t growing very actively, using artificial lighting to supplement lower natural light


Ep. 118 - Chinese Evergreen


Ep. 116 - Crotons as Houseplants